— February 2010This issue of the journal gathers artistic practices that deal with historical or contemporary facts using fake or manipulated documents. The texts are written as if there was only one narrator instead of several authors.
The layout of the publication reveals the ambiguity of the nature of the texts.
Trouble is published by Guillaume Désanges, Émilie Renard and Boris Achour. This issue contains texts by Inke Arns, Zbynek Baladran, Eric Baudelaire, Tania Bruguera, Guillaume Désanges, Anne Dressen, Christophe Gallois, Gauthier Heermann, Jean-Yves Jouannais, Raimundas Malasauskas, John Menick, Nicolas Moulin, Natasa Petresin, Benjamin Thorel and Kim West along with drawings made by Boris Achour.
176 pages
128 x 192 mm